Some reviews for 2024. This won’t cover the entirety of what I read in in any given year (I regularly read anywhere from 150 - 300+ books/year), only the ones that I felt were worth highlighting. Links are not sponsored; I am not particularly motivated to put that sort of effort. Sometimes the links are not books but rather articles or papers instead. You’ll very rarely see textbooks here as I don’t really consider a textbook finished until I’m done with it, and that might take years.
tidy first (kent beck)
Very short and I think a good framework to think about things.
playing to win (ag lafley, roger martin)
Probably the most useful framework for strategy that I’ve read to date. Not necessarily the best (as I don’t read enough of this genre to have a sufficiently good feel where this might rank), but a good enough framework for me personally. Good enough to put into production for myself, at least.
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From one of the talks from a cpp conference. An immense amount of fun to watch. Made me realize I don’t always hate life in tech now.